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Life changed for us back in 2008 when we moved to Harrisonville.  Fast forward to 2012 and it is a great thing to look back and see how God was directing our path.  The kids continue to grow in so many ways.  Tonya and I continue to feel a sense of belonging and home both in this town and in our work.


Austin in into his Junior year at Harrisonville High School.  He's found a niche with choir and continues to expand his talents there.  He's expanded his horizon a bit by stepping out and becoming a part of the church's praise and worship team.  He continues his participation in basketball and is looking forward to what his junior year holds on the court.  He's been working hard with some individual workouts to improve his skills.  


This past summer, he dove into baseball with a local senior legion team.  It all started great until he broke his non-throwing hand by tearing the tendon from the bone on his thumb.  There was also a bone fragment that tore with the tendon.  This happened  near the end of the first full week of the summer and forced him to miss the remaining of the season.  Fortunately, it has healed very well and he's back to full speed.


About Us


Alan-Michael is in his last year in middle school - 8th grade.  He had a disappointed finish to the football season suffering a concussion and missing the last two games.  But he as a resilient heart and attitude.  He continues to participate in band (percussion) and will be in his second year of wrestling.  His BIG thing thus far is that he now as a cell phone.  We finally broke down after seeing the need to be in contact due to his involvement with sports.


Alexis is in her 2nd year with HATS (the school district's gifted and talented program).  She has been a big help for Tonya and the daycare.  She's become Tonya's big help after school.  She's such a smart one.  She's also expanding her interests by playing softball during the summer.  She will also be taking pitching lessons with a local college pitcher.


Daddy's little girl is in full swing as a first grader.  She's also spending time involved with the PIPS (Players in Progress) again this year.  They performed at halftime at the local high school, a local college and even at the Globetrotters game at the Spring Center last year.  I'm looking forward to seeing her skills grow as she has fun.


Big changes for Tonya has she has gone solo with her daycare.   It's been a challenge at the start, but everything is working out well.  She is also so proud of herself and her commitment to better fitness.  She rarely misses the opportunity to work out with the local CURVES group.   Tonya continues to use her unique talents to provide the Wednesday night kids a memorable bible lesson as she truly gets into character each and every week.


Well, Mike is up to his old stuff.  It continues to be a blast serving as youth pastor for over 4 years at Antioch.  It continues to be such a blessing to serve and be served there.  Mike also continues to be a sports official in some of his spare time.  He's been involved with baseball and basketball - and just finished up his football season as the "White Hat" for his crew.  Just recently, he purchased a "toy" that is being used a lot lately - a dslr camera.  It you haven't see them yet check out his Facebook page.  He's been snapping shots of the daycare kids and youth trying to get a handle of this new toy.

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